Atoms are made up of 3 types of particles electrons
Electrons: tiny, very light particles that have a negative electrical charge (-)
Protons: much larger and heavier than electrons and have the opposite charge, protons have a positive charge
Neutrons: large and heavy like protons, however neutrons have no electrical charge
Centrifugal Force
-force that makes objects move outwards when they are spinning around something or travelling in a curve.
-The protons and electrons stay together because just like two magnets, the opposite electrical charges attract each other.
What keeps the protons and electrons from crashing into each other?
-The electron spins around nucleus(the center of the atom). The centrifugal force of the spinning electron keeps the two particles from coming into contact with each other.
Electron Cloud
-Atoms are extremely small. One hydrogen atom, for example, is approximately 5 x 10-8 mm in diameter.
- Protons and neutrons behave like small particles, sort of like tiny billiard balls.
- The electron has some of the properties of a wave. In other words, the electron is more similar to a beam of light than it is to a billiard ball.
- Thus to represent it as a small particle spinning around a nucleus is slightly misleading. In actuality, the electron is a wave that surrounds the nucleus of an atom like a cloud.
Hydrogen: a proton surrounded by an electron cloud
-Helium has the 2 protons in the nucleus have the same charge on them.
-They would tend to repel each other, and the nucleus would fall apart.
-To keep the nucleus from pushing apart, helium has two neutrons in its nucleus.
-Neutrons have no electrical charge on them and act as a sort of nuclear glue, holding the protons, and thus the nucleus, together.
- An atom that carries an electrical charge
- total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons
● cation : -positively charged ion
-has fewer electrons than protons
● anion : -negatively charged ion
- has more electrons than protons
Listed below are three forms of hydrogen; 2 ions and the electrically neutral form.
H+ : a positively charged hydrogen ion | H : the hydrogen atom | H- : a negatively charged hydrogen ion |
- two atoms with same number of protons but different number of neutrons
- their chemical properties are almost identical since the chemical behavior of an atom is largely determined by its electronic structure.
- some of them are radioactive
two isotopes of hydrogen
Atomic Mass = 1 Atomic Number = 1 | Atomic Mass = 2 Atomic Number = 1 |
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