Saturday, February 5, 2011


In Lab 5B - Types of Chemical Reactions, we were able to observe synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, and double replacement reactions!

Reaction 1

-burning copper wire with a bunsen burner
- Using crucible tongs, hold the wire over the hottest part of the flame 
-copper will begin to change to silver

Reaction 2: 
-place a shiny nail in copper(II)sulphate--> SINGLE REPLACEMENT
- 15 minutes later, the part of the nail that was in the copper(II)sulphate will become copper  :)

the video uses cupric sulfate.

Reaction 3: 

Heating some copper(II)sulphate. 
What happens when a hydrate is heated?

Reaction 4: 

What happens when water is added back into the now anhydrous copper(II)sulphate?

Reaction 5: 
Pour calcium chloride solution into a sodium carbonate solution. 
- white precipitate is formed

Reaction 6
put zinc into HCL

Reaction 7
Manganese(IV)oxide is added to hydrogen peroxide solution. Then, the gas is tested by placing a glowing splint into the mouth of the test tube - should form black precipitate on the sides of test tube. layer of gas forms on sides of test tube

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